Astrologia Previsionale - Astrologia oraria, elettiva, classica e Magia Astrologica
In search of our Mother Star: the identification of the stellar significators in a birth chart
The book is available on Amazon in both paper and ebook form
Here is the introduction and the index
I’ve decided to dedicate another book to the theme of constellations and fixed stars because after years of research I feel able to affirm that in them lies the origin and foundation of all astrology.
Their (only apparent) minor relevance in practical astrology has meant that they have always been neglected by ancient and modern astrologers.
And this is even more true for the constellations. In reality, as we’ll see in the following pages, their practical relevance is also far from negligible, to the point that it seems extremely bizarre that today some astrologers attribute so much importance to asteroids and none to the constellations and fixed stars.
Yet it should make us reflect the fact that the origin of the constellations is probably much older than the first organized civilizations. Just think of the wonderful paintings found in the Lascaux cave in France. They date back some 17,000 years. We will talk about this in the first pages of the book. We’ll see that the cave was chosen because the orientation of the entrance was such that on the day of the summer solstice the rays of the setting sun would enter to illuminate the paintings of the great room of the Bulls.
Simulations were then made to examine the rising of the stars on the evening of the summer solstice, choosing as a reference the more pronounced lines that marked the contours of the animals painted on the rock, such as the extremity of the horns and the snout or the position of the eyes.
Scholars found a perfect correspondence between these points and some stars. It would seem that all the zodiacal constellations have been represented by these drawings. Sagittarius, for example, is represented by a horse.
Going forward with our historical excursus, we’ll see how a series of artifacts belonging to the various epochs show that the stellar religion was the oldest of humanity. The gods of ancient peoples have always been associated with constellations and stars. Importance has always been attached to the constellations at their heliacal rising at the spring equinox and their paranatellonta.
Men have always recognized in terrestrial images the representation of the Archetypes that inform terrestrial realities. As well as all the matter that composes our bodies and other things in the world comes from the stars, even the physical form and the essence of the ta errestrial things are in-formed by these ... created in their image and likeness, we could say recalling the words of the Bible.
The ancients believed that one of the ways to attract the influence of stars and constellations was to create a more or less stylized representation of them, or to construct buildings and temples based on stellar orientations. They are often oriented towards the heliac rising of certain stars, or the rising or setting of the Sun at the equinoxes or solstices.
The underlying principle is always the same: to attract a certain celestial influence, terrestrial realities should as much as possible conform their nature - and even their external appearance - to the nature of the stars.
But, as always, we are not satisfied with history and don’t stop at the ancients’s thought.
This is why, after years of studies involving birth and mundane charts, in the remainder of the book I expose some techniques that on the one hand are very useful for completing the normal astrological analyzes, on the other provide definitive proof about the validity of the principles that we have just exposed. The strange thing is that, despite being known for millennia, they have never been organically integrated into "practical" astrology. This is precisely my purpose: to pass from words to deeds by providing the scholar with a series of techniques to integrate their interpretations with the precious information that comes to us from the eighth sphere. In this way a much deeper analysis of the essential nature of every man and of the events of collective and individual life becomes possible.
That’s way why I attach great importance to the principles set out in the first part of this book and related to the identification of stellar and planetary significators in a birth chart. We’ll see that each person is in particular "sympathy" with one or more planets, fixed stars and constellations and explain how these natal significators can be derived from the birth chart. To outline this procedure, I also used special event charts related to remarkable events that characterized the life of the native. And since it is very important to have the exact time in which these events took place, I gave priority to the events of which is known the exact hour.
This is because one of the factors that can make a certain planet, star or constellation privileged significators of the native is precisely their angularity at the moment of birth. Therefore, in order to verify if they really behaved as their significators in the course of life, it is very important to be able to verify their angularity at the time of some remarkable events. For example, as we will see better in a while, often at the hour of death the stars or constellations that were angular at birth are again in an angle. Typical is the case in which at the moment of death we find at sunset or at the Ic a constellation that was rising at birth.
What I discovered during my research about planetary and stellar significators in a birth chart presents unique affinities with the magical theory of “sympathies” and “antipathies”of the great Renaissance doctor and magician Paracelsus.
According to this theory, each of us is the manifestation of a star, but by star is meant here a certain cosmic principle, one of the Ideas; this Idea is also proper to a certain physical star, but we have not derived it from the star, it is only that we are related to it and therefore we attract each other as manifestations of the same Idea or Being.
In fact al Kindi and the other Arabs say that not only the stars act on us, but we also act on the stars: each thing transmits its nature to the others, but it can only do so if there is already attraction among them by “sympathy”.
We are therefore in a position to put ourselves in sympathy with certain stars by attracting their influence because in us there is already a certain tendency akin to them.
Paracelsus says: "No one needs to deal with the course of Saturn: it does not shorten or lengthen anyone's life. If Mars is fierce, it does not follow that Nero was his son; and although Mars and Nero may have had the same qualities, they did not take them from one another. The stars do not incline us to anything we do not want”[1].
Following is a rich series of examples relating to the birth charts of famous people: for each of them we identify the planetary and stellar significators and then we verify their condition in the days when significant events occurred to that person. In this way the reader will learn the procedure for identifying planetary and stellar significators in each birth chart he will examine.
We also deal with the important topic of the heliacal phases in mundane astrology. We will see that even in this case, as in individual natal charts, the stars at their heliacal rising (and, to a lesser extent, in another heliacal phase) have more strength when they are also activated by virtue of a conjunction, parallel or aspect to a planet.
To this end it is always good to consider the condition of these stars even at the time of the New Moons and Full Moons, given the particular value that these charts have in mundane predictions.
Later we will examine some mechanisms of sympathetic attraction between terrestrial and celestial things. One of the examples we will study is related to the two Koreas, and in particular to North Korea. We will see how the division between North Korea and South Korea creates a natural affinity with all the celestial images characterized by any kind of polarity, in particular that between a northern and a southern part. So first of all the Scales (Libra constellation) also called Zubenelgenubi (Southern Scale) and Zubeneshamali (Northern Scale), but also the two Aselli (Asellus borealis and australis) and the two Crowns (Corona Borealis and Australis). But the correspondence that seems to be stronger and more recurrent is that between the two Koreas and the Scales, and more generally between Korea as such and the constellation of Libra.
Through the analysis of a series of recent events related to this nation, we will have definitive proof of the link between North Korea and Libra constellation, in particular with the stars of the Northern Scale.
Another example of the ways in which these "sympathies" between heavenly and earthly things can be established is the analogy between the Berlin Wall and Orion’s Belt, and this too will be concretely demonstrated through the analysis of the charts relating to the erection and fall of the Wall.
We will then mention some applications of these concepts in electional astrology and we will explain how to be concretely guided by the stars and constellations in the actions and choices of our life.
I hope that this and my other publications instill in many scholars the desire to deepen the fascinating and mysterious subject of constellations and fixed stars, and above all I hope that these great unknowns will be integrated into the common astrological practice as soon as possible.
PART 1…..pag. 9
Some historical notes
Synoptical astrology
PART 2…..pag.17
The philosophy of sympathies and antipahies in magic according to Paracelsus
The planetary significators in a birth chart
How fixed stars and constellations become significators of the native
Birth and death of Pannella
Criminal conviction
The stars at the moment of Rino Gaetano’s death
The gold medal won
Victory in the semi-finals of the world championships
Death (October 5, 2011)
Apple Foundation (1 April 1976)
Marriage (18 March 1991)
Resignation from Apple CEO (August 24, 2011)
June 20, 1999: a day of great publicity for Steve Jobs
Posthumous recognition of 12 February 2012
PART 3…..pag.43
An example: Full Moon of November 23, 2018
The New Moon of 7 November 2018 and the revolt of the yellow vests in France
of 22 December 2018 Tsunami in Indonesia (22 December 2018)
The importance of the heliacal rising constellations at the Spring Equinox
The publication of the Communist Manifesto
The Ustica massacre
PART 4…..pag.59
The two Koreas and the two Scales (Libra constellation)
April 11, 2012: Kim Jong-an elected secretary of the Korean Labor Party November 28, 2017: Kim launches a new missile
September 14, 2017: another missile launch
13.40 of 12 June 2018 in Singapore: Kim and Trump announce peace
The building and the fall of the Berlin Wall
The fall of the Berlin Wall (announcement given at 6.53pm on 9 November 1989)
Applications in electional astrology: how to be guided by stars and constellations